Small Grants Program

In 2023, the Raffaella foundation began its Small Grants Program to support research and the development of innovative tools that identify ways to educate and support rural and urban societies to embrace the use of diverse ideas and practices, diverse production systems, diverse languages, diverse cultures and ethnic groups, diverse gender identities, diverse behaviors and diverse norms.  Grants are targeted to work that involves local communities, respects and strengthens their customary knowledge and language systems, and generates tools and findings that can be used by communities globally, to increase the benefits from embracing social and environmental diversity. 

Grants are awarded for up to US$ 10,000 to organizations whose missions align with the Raffaella Foundation’s charitable, educational, and scientific purposes.

Download our Small Grants Application Form here


Grants Awarded

Generating Pro-Poor Development Opportunities in Bolivia with DATAR (Grant # 2023/001)

  • Grantee: Fundación PROINPA 
  • Country: Bolivia
  • Year: 2023